The theme of legacies ran through much of the 2016 work. The careers of passionate people that wanted to serve their communities; they started young and fast in places where things were happening, and ended up, to their surprise, running cities and building hospitals.
And we learned a lot; on the health care side, we found out that being Catholic (which we’re not), is a complicated thing. We found that health care, and how you provide it, is a complex and surprisingly contentious thing (actually, with all the “Obamacare” debate, no surprise there). Mainly we found out how deeply committed these Catholic Sisters (or “nuns”) have been for over 100 years to building the best health care system they could, in some of the roughest neighborhoods in Atlanta and Camden and Holyoke.
Trinity Health is a new group of Catholic hospitals, and they’re all over the country. What these Catholic Sisters found is that running a hospital is so expensive and complex that these local hospitals could not stay open as standalone businesses. So they made a decision to merge.
As they merge, the Catholic Sisters that ran the hospitals are turning over the reins to lay people, who are tasked with carrying out the goals initially laid out; and that’s where we came in.
Harvest Moon Studio was hired to film interviews in hospitals around the country, and create media pieces that could be distributed to those that worked there, so the understood the MISSION that was being undertaken. So they understood that their job was more than just doctoring. Or understanding what it meant to be Catholic.
We learned a lot about these hard working and dedicated women, and found them to be uniformly charming and formidable. The Dalai Lama says our job on earth is two-fold; to be happy, and help other people. These women do both with amazing grace.
More about cities and legacies later.